Gain further mastery and confidence with all the essential chords, strums & rhythms! Fantastic step-by-step lessons for near beginner guitar players. Play and sing great songs by world class artists such as Oasis, Tom Petty, Ed Sheehan, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Taylor Swift, Rolling Stones, U2, Green Day, John Lennon, James Bay, Bob Marley, Radiohead, The Eagles, Mumford and Sons, Janis Joplin, The Verve, Coldplay, Elvis Presley, Jack Johnson, Vance Joy, Jimi Hendrix, Adele, Elton John, Amy Winehouse, Johnny Cash, Pink Floyd, Guns ‘n’ Roses, Tracy Chapman and loads more. Pro tips sprinkled throughout this level to help make playing all these great songs as enjoyable and easy as possible! Our lessons are perfect for adding some excitement, accuracy & skill to your playing. You will be amazed & very happy at your progress.

Guitar For Near Beginners
With 20+ years experience playing & teaching guitar LGA offer guitar lessons on acoustic or electric guitar to both children and adults. We’ll happily show you all the basic chords, strumming and techniques to get you playing great songs as soon as possible! It’s a lot of fun. LGA is London’s natural home to start playing the guitar if you are picking it up for the first time, or if you been playing a while and want to make sure you have not left any holes in your knowledge. Learn songs, write music, and play lead guitar. Plenty of guitars available for use in the London Guitar Academy classroom. All materials & resource provided for your convenience. Start learning today!
“I’ve gone through all of the beginners’ classes with James, and he is such a great teacher!”

Guitar Lessons For Near Beginners
Awesome acoustic & electric guitar classes for the near beginner in London. Learn the fretboard, loads of great songs & easy to understand music theory!
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- Great Strumming Patterns that use Hammering ons & Pulling offs.
- The best chord charts transcribed by professional tutors.
- Learn the Major Scale is the most important scale of all.
- The Parts Of The Guitar and the anatomy of the guitar neck
- Improve your Timing, String Bending, Sliding and playing with ease
- How To Tune Your Guitar & how to read a rhythm chart
- Play Your First Songs & read fretboard patterns
- Learn how to use a capo and play with feel, rhythm & passion
- Join the course today to get all these benefits, become a strumming master