How to Tune a Guitar By Ear

How to Tune a Guitar: Tips & Techniques

How to Tune a Guitar By Ear. Tuning your guitar is an essential skill that every guitarist, whether a beginner or an experienced player, must master. Proper tuning ensures that your instrument sounds harmonious and vibrant. In this guide, we’ll explore various tuning methods, focusing on tuning by ear—a valuable skill that enhances your musicality and ear training.

Basic Tips & Techniques

  1. Use a Reference Note: Start with a reliable reference note. This can be from a piano, tuning fork, or an electronic tuner. The standard tuning for a guitar is E-A-D-G-B-E, starting from the lowest (thickest) string.
  2. Tune to Yourself: Once you have one string in tune, usually the low E (6th string), you can tune the other strings relative to it.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Keep your guitar in good condition. Old strings can sound dull and be harder to tune accurately.
  4. Environment: Tune your guitar in a quiet place. Background noise can interfere with your ability to hear the pitch accurately.

Tune your guitar by ear to develop a deeper connection with your instrument! Start with these methods, practice regularly, and soon you’ll have the skill to tune your guitar anytime, anywhere. Happy playing!

How to Tune a Guitar by Ear

Tuning by ear is a skill that can be developed with practice. Here are steps to help you get started:

  1. Tune the Low E String: Begin by tuning the low E string to a reference pitch. This can be done using a piano, a tuning fork, or an electronic tuner.
  2. Tune the A String:
    • Play the 5th fret on the low E string (which should be an A note).
    • Play the open A string (5th string) and adjust it until it matches the pitch of the 5th fret on the low E string.
  3. Tune the D String:
    • Play the 5th fret on the A string (which should be a D note).
    • Play the open D string (4th string) and adjust it until it matches the pitch of the 5th fret on the A string.
  4. Tune the G String:
    • Play the 5th fret on the D string (which should be a G note).
    • Play the open G string (3rd string) and adjust it until it matches the pitch of the 5th fret on the D string.
  5. Tune the B String:
    • Play the 4th fret on the G string (which should be a B note).
    • Play the open B string (2nd string) and adjust it until it matches the pitch of the 4th fret on the G string.
  6. Tune the High E String:
    • Play the 5th fret on the B string (which should be an E note).
    • Play the open high E string (1st string) and adjust it until it matches the pitch of the 5th fret on the B string.
How to Tune a Guitar By Ear

How to Tune a Guitar By Ear

How to Know When the Notes are in Tune

  1. Listen for Beats: When two notes are close but not quite in tune, you will hear a beating or wavering sound. When the beats disappear, the notes are in tune.
  2. Check with Chords: Play common chords (like G, C, D) and listen for any dissonance. If the chords sound off, recheck your tuning.
  3. Use Harmonics: Play harmonics at the 5th and 7th frets. If the harmonics match perfectly without beats, the strings are in tune.

Proper Tuning Techniques

  1. Tune Upwards: Always tune up to the desired pitch. If you go too high, tune down below the pitch and then back up. This helps to ensure the string tension is correct.
  2. Stretch the Strings: New strings can go out of tune quickly. After tuning, gently pull each string away from the fretboard to stretch it, then retune.
  3. Consistency: Tune your guitar every time you play. This not only ensures the best sound but also trains your ear.

How to Learn to Tune Your Guitar by Ear

  1. Practice Regularly: The more you practice, the better you will become. Start with the 5th and 7th fret methods and listen carefully.
  2. Use Songs: Tune your guitar to a song you know well. Play along and adjust until it sounds right.
  3. Train with Tools: Use apps and online tools that provide reference pitches. Compare your tuning to the reference and adjust as needed.
  4. Be Patient: Tuning by ear takes time to master. Be patient with yourself and keep practicing.


  • Play a harmonic on the 5th fret of the low E string and match it to the 7th fret harmonic on the A string.
  • Repeat this for the A and D strings, the D and G strings, and the B and high E strings (using the 4th fret harmonic on the G string for the B string).

Encouragement for Beginners

Tuning your guitar by ear is a rewarding skill that deepens your connection to music. It enhances your ability to recognize pitch and improves your overall musicianship. Remember, every great guitarist started as a beginner, just like you. With practice and persistence, you’ll develop a keen ear and a well-tuned instrument. Keep playing, keep tuning, and enjoy the beautiful journey of making music. Celebrate each small victory and enjoy the harmony you create. Keep practicing, stay patient, and let your passion for music guide you. Your perfect sound is just a tune away!